Scherzo in the Vienna Woods (World Premiere)
Lewis Kingsley Peart, piano
Additional performances:
03.07, 12.30pm - St. John’s, Harrow, Greater London
24.07, 1pm - All Saints, Hove, UK
07.09, 4pm - Iris Axon Concert Series, London
24.09, 1.10pm - Laidlaw Music Centre, University of St. Andrew’s, Scotland
07.10, 1.10pm - St. John the Baptist, Peterborough, UK
15.10, 12.30pm - Toad Lane Concert Series, Rochdale, UK
17.10, 12.30pm - Bury Parish Church, Greater Manchester, UK
18.10, 11am - St. Peter’s Church, Burnley, Greater Manchester, UK
28.11, 12.30pm - Brighton Unitarian Church, Brighton, UK
Intrada 1631 for symphonic brass, 4 drummers and multiple off stage strings and triangles
University of Central Missouri - Division of Music | Corey Seapy, director of bands
Phrygian Tucket for harpsichord & tape
in On Speed by Jan Martens, choreographer
Stephen Montague, music
Intrada 1931 Boston University Wind Ensemble/Kenneth Amis.
29 April 2025
Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215-1406
The Hammer Hawk for piano, string quartet & electronics
Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, UK
Dark Sun- August, 1945 for large orchestra, 3 percussion groups & chorus
The Music Summer School & Festival, Gresham College, Norfolk, UK
The Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Stephen Montague, conductor